Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I just recieved this email. i've made a point to do something that scares me every day (things that people don't do because they are afraid of the consequences/limitations). There have been some good results, I did a 4 hour kayak trip from one end of a lake to another and back. I told a girl that works at the coffee shop down the street that she was beautiful and I would love to get to know her over dinner. She said it was the most incredible thing anyone had ever said to her, but that she was engaged (20, and engaged, crazy eh? She had the ring and everything). We did exchange numbers and are starting a wicked friendship. Other things... I went out for lunch with a successful entrepreneur and picked his brain for about 2 hours. We went to a classy joint worked up a drink and food tab of about 200$ but I paid for it all, it is probably one of the best investments i'll ever make. When I asked him what are the 3 things i need to know about starting a business he said: "1)Just 2)do 3)It" no he didn't work for Nike, but he said banks will eternally loan you money because they are greedy and that even if it doesn't work the first time you are about 400x wiser getting the experience.

Bare with me, 2 more things: I saw some kids (about 10 years old) getting hassled by the cops for skating in the park. They had helmets and everything and were just looking for a place to board. I went up and talked to them and told them I am gonna help them get a skate park built. We found an old parking lot in the park (owned by the city). Mylself and one of the kids brothers and dad are in the final stages of the proposal.

This is what it's about.

New B.L Space

We encourage you to offer any projects or ideas you have, really anything that's on your mind. If you don't know where to start, try:

step 1. offer ten things you want to do to do before you die.

That's actually all you have to do. Um. Ok. I'll Cya later.

-actually this place is for discussion.
Criticism or cheer. Anything.